Log 1 - Setting up the basics

Your life becomes much easier if you walk down the stairs instead of jumping off the balcony. 

Before getting to work and fully fleshing out any one aspect of the game, I put together a small prototype that sets up the basic frameworks for a few systems so that I can build upon it as development continues. 

First, I set up a basic character controller for Ellie. I don't have Ellie's design done yet, so I used Farrago Fiction's Troll Doll Maker to make a silly little proto-Ellie sprite. I set up a basic supermarket layout for her to walk around in and added a script that changes objects'  sorting layers based on their y-coordinates. This basically allows Ellie to walk behind objects if she's coming from above them, and in front of them if she's coming from below them.

Next, I set up a timer in the UI. It's a yellow bar that starts empty and slowly fills up over the course of 5 minutes. Below it, a timer counts down in seconds. Once the timer runs out, the game ends. For now, all that means is you lose control of Ellie.

I set up the basic framework for a dialogue system. For now, it just displays different dialogue based on how much time has passed. In the future, it will have dialogue based on time as well as certain events such as completing objectives.

Okay, that'll do for now. Notice that blue square? Right in front of that square, there's an invisible collider that constantly checks to see if the player is A) in the square and B) pressing "E". If you press "E" there, it pauses Ellie's controller and begins the first pachinko minigame. 

I set up a controller for the minigame so the player can move the apple back and forth and drop it (enables its gravity). The basket at the bottom moves back and forth slowly. Eventually, I'll make it so the basket gets faster and faster the less time you have left. But that's for later me~. 

Also for later me, I'll add obstacles. For now, the apple drops and you exit the minigame if you get it in the basket. Great! I'm planning to have maybe 4-6 of these minigames. Obviously, everything here is a placeholder. I promise the game won't look like this :,)))

I'm pretty happy with this prototype! It's very barebones, but I'm super excited to work more on it! ^u^ Next up, I think I'll work on planning out the dialogue/ basic plotline of the game. See ya soon!

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